Civic Lab
This regeneration proposal has been realized in the context of the “Compass” project and it aims at creating a new life for the area on Via Ostiense in front of one of the faculties of the University of Roma Tre.
Since the beginning the team has been trying to involve both the institutions and the key actors: inhabitants and students. The involvement of the institutions is fundamental as the project will be more easily implemented if it has their support. Obviously institutions are only a small part of the big group of actors. We have been meeting residents and students and their organizations: quarter communities and students organizations. All of them have shown a considerable interest in the conversion of this area and the majority of them would like it to be kept “green”, as observed during the interviews.
Taking into account the surveys outcomes, the fact that the area is quite small (585 m2) and its geographical position: between a traffic congested street and the metro line, the idea is to create a green and free space where both students and residents can relax and make the most out of this space. Some tables and benches will be installed and a part of the area will be intended for the exercisers. All of them will be built by volunteers guided by the expertise of volunteers from different, local organizations through the “self construction” technique recycling waste materials thus reducing the costs. Different activities will be organised to promote the project and to foster popular participation and they will be advertised through different communication means: social media, local newspapers, residents’ and students’ organizations and leaflet.
These activities not only have an economic value but they also help the community to merge and allow the two main groups: students and residents to finally meet for real. As a matter of fact they live in the same “territory” but they do not actually share it. This area can be the perfect meeting point where they can rest, have lunch or a break, work out, chat and organize some events, social or cultural activities.
One of the project’s goals is to raise people’s awareness on topics such as the environment, the importance of sharing and cohabitation, equity (the project is also thought to be accessible to wheelchairs and to welcome all those with special needs). To accomplish this, during the project’s implementation and development people will be helped to understand how to handle and preserve the area in a sustainable way when the project will be completed. The costs will be low thanks to self-building workshops and the use of materials recycling. However to finance what cannot be provided buy those workshops some crowdfunding activities will be held involving private citizens or associations and public bodies.
The Compass project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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